Making employment law work for you at a fixed cost

ENHANCE is our unique, industry-leading employment law service for employers.  The costs of all employment law advice, and Employment Tribunal awards arising from claims, are covered by our Premium ENHANCE service. Premium ENHANCE will make your business more productive and remove the financial risk of employee disputes.

For those requiring a less comprehensive service, we can tailor the scheme to provide the benefits that perfectly fit your business’ needs.

ENHANCE is brought to you by the largest specialist firm of employment law solicitors in the South, consistently recognised as a “Leading Firm” by the Legal 500.

Why do you need ENHANCE?

Employment law is fast-paced and constantly changing.  We have created ENHANCE to protect your business from the risks of employee disputes and litigation, and to help you successfully navigate your business through the minefield of employment law.

Key benefits of ENHANCE:

  • Employment law advice and support at a fixed cost;
  • You’ll have a friendly and approachable specialist employment solicitor dedicated to your business;
  • Our telephone help-line will give you immediate, robust, pragmatic advice from a solicitor for any employment law issue;
  • We’ll update your existing employment documentation (or prepare new documentation where needed) and review it annually;
  • We’ll draft documents when you need them;
  • We’ll keep you updated on changes in employment law relevant to your business, as well as light but informative newsletters, Employment Law Snapshot videos and training seminars;
  • You’ll have an optional insurance indemnity against Employment Tribunal claims, including any compensation awarded against you or settlements.
  • We offer flexible, tailored packages to suit your budget and business needs.

Industry-leading features of ENHANCE:

  • Our solicitors will get to know and understand how your business operates;
  • We will represent your business tenaciously;
  • We won’t say, “you can’t do that”: we’ll offer practical, effective and realistic advice, tailored to your business and the way you like to operate;
  • Your business will be more productive and efficient because we’ll help you to avoid employee-related disruption and achieve changes as quickly and seamlessly as possible;
  • Our advice is confidential, unlike advice from HR Consultants and non-solicitors, which is disclosable in court and the Employment Tribunal and can be extremely damaging in any proceedings;
  • No lengthy fixed terms: you’ll stay with us because you want to;
  • The optional insurance indemnity offers high level protection without the insurer dictating how you should run your business;
  • We can also provide expert help with:
Contact us today to have a chat about your business and how we can help you: 023 8001 1234



  • Unique, comprehensive service removing the risks associated with employee disputes from your business for a fixed annual cost;
  • Covers the cost of all employment law advice, representation and Employment Tribunal awards or settlements;
  • Friendly and approachable specialist employment solicitor dedicated to your business;
  • Immediate, robust, pragmatic advice from a solicitor for any employment law issue;
  • Update and annual review of your employment documentation;
  • Updates on changes in employment law relevant to your business;
  • Drafting letters and other documents when you need them.
  • Light but informative newsletters, Employment Law Snapshot videos and training seminars;


  • Tailored to provide the benefits that perfectly fit your business’ needs;
  • Friendly and approachable specialist employment solicitor dedicated to your business;
  • Immediate, robust, pragmatic advice from a solicitor for any employment law issue;
  • Update and annual review of your employment documentation;
  • Updates on changes in employment law relevant to your business;
  • Drafting letters and other documents when you need them;
  • Light but informative newsletters, Employment Law Snapshot videos and training seminars
  • The annual retainer sum will be agreed between us, based on a realistic estimate of the level of support and advice that you will require. The risk of requiring more or less support than this is shared between us (see ‘Risk sharing’ below);
  • Annual retainer can be paid in monthly instalments;
  • An optional insurance indemnity against Employment Tribunal claims, including any compensation awarded against you or settlements
Risk sharing

We understand that business requirements are not predictable, so we have built-in the flexibility for you to go over or under the estimated level of advice and support and not lose out. 

You are entitled to up to 20% more than the estimate,  at no extra charge.If, however, you need more than the 20% allowance, we will notify you and you will be charged on a time basis for the remainder of the retainer period at agreed rates.

If you require less than 80% of the estimated level of support, we will credit the value of the unused amount below 80% to the following year’s retainer charge.


For illustration purposes, let’s assume that we agree an annual retainer sum of £12,000, based upon the estimated level of advice and support.

You will have a built-in allowance of £2,400 worth of support, taking the total value within the membership year to £14,400 (£12,000 + 20%). Any additional work that you may need beyond that would be charged at previously agreed rates.

If, however, you find that your need for support is less than 80% of the estimate, we will give you a credit against the following year’s subscription, calculated as in this example: Your annual charge is £12,000, but you find that you only need £9,000 (75%) worth of the support over the scheme year.  You will receive a credit of £600 (5%) against the following year’s subscription.


  • Our most popular scheme for smaller businesses;
  • Friendly and approachable specialist employment solicitor dedicated to your business;
  • Immediate, robust, pragmatic advice from a solicitor for any employment law issue;
  • Update and annual review of your employment documentation;
  • Updates on changes in employment law relevant to your business;
  • Drafting letters and other documents when you need them;
  • Light but informative newsletters, Employment Law Snapshot videos and training seminars;
  • A fixed affordable monthly fee, with any ‘project’ work (i.e. any matter requiring ongoing support and where 2 hours’ work has already been done by us) charged at discounted hourly rates;
  • An optional insurance indemnity against Employment Tribunal claims, including any compensation awarded against you or settlements.


  • Our unique diagnostic scheme;
  • Free use of our telephone help-line for an initial diagnosis of any employment law issue;
  • No obligation to instruct us to undertake further work for you;
  • Preferential rates should you choose to instruct us to undertake further work for you;
  • Updates on changes in employment law relevant to your business;
  • Light but informative newsletters, Employment Law Snapshot videos and training seminars.



  • High-level protection, designed to cover your business against the cost of Employment Tribunal claims, including all legal fees, settlements and awards against you;
  • Allows you to remove risk of employee disputes from your business, for a budgeted annual cost;
  • Fully controlled by us, not the insurer;
  • We have a duty of care to you and we don’t have to act in the best interests of the insurer;
  • The insurer knows that you are getting specialist independent advice from us and won’t interfere with that advice;
  • Most other schemes in the market are insurer-driven, where they will always minimise risk to themselves and dictate what you can and cannot do, which can restrict your flexibility and stifle the effective resolution for your business;
  • Covers the costs and settlement for ACAS Early Conciliation;
  • Can be extended to cover costly enforcement action when employees act in breach of their restrictive covenants (e.g. they set up a business competing with you);
  • Can be extended to cover Health & Safety / Statutory Licensing Cover;
  • We provide the insurance to you at cost price (we don’t make any money on it).