Workplace Psychotherapist

The Psychotherapist we work with has developed a skilled and experienced team of trusted and effective therapists who work alongside him providing: mediation of workplace conflicts; psychological therapy; mental ill-health awareness training; and enhanced organisational and employee resilience programmes, employing neuropsychology and executive coaching to maximise executive functioning and performance.

For example, the Psychotherapist has provided very effective mediation for a client where two employees were in serious conflict which was having a serious negative impact on the business and could have resulted in dismissals.  He has assisted a local authority with resilience training for senior officers, together with several police forces and the National Probation Service (where his effectiveness was rated in the top 5%).  He has also delivered training at Higher Education Institutions, NHS Trusts and Schools.


Workplace Psychotherapist

Workplace Psychotherapist


Employers need to actively recognise when there are workplace conflicts and when their employees are becoming entrenched.  Mediation is a cost-effective intervention which employers can commission to assist and encourage staff to take responsibility for addressing their difficulties.

The Psychotherapist has established a team of highly skilled and proficient workplace mediators to help our clients to achieve this.

Psychological Therapy

Issues of mental ill-health at work can manifest themselves in numerous ways, including long-term sickness (e.g. through depression, anxiety or long-term incapacity), workplace personality clashes, grievances, potential disciplinary scenarios and underperformance.

Mental ill-health costs Britain around 4.5% of its GDP (including benefits, NHS costs and low productivity).  Psychological impairment is responsible for between one third and one half of all long-term sickness and disability among the working age population in OECD countries, with 70% of those who suffer mild to moderate mental conditions reporting that they struggle and are less productive at work. Psychological therapy can provide the tools to manage these issues so that they can function effectively in the workplace.

Resilience Training / Executive Coaching

Changes in the workplace can result in considerable stress for employees.  This in turn can result in underperformance and sickness absence, all of which comes at a considerable cost to a business.  It can also be very difficult for employees to return from long term sickness once they have left the workplace in a situation like this. Resilience training can greatly assist in this sort of situation, focusing on building personal strengths and fostering positive relationships.  It provides an understanding of how to deal with highly stressful situations in order to respond effectively to the challenges of individuals’ roles.

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